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Antistatic Wires

페이지 정보

작성자최고관리자 댓글 0건 조회 89회 작성일 23-09-06 14:14


Antistatic Wires
Antistatic Wires
Reduce fire risks from static electricity.
Antistatic Wires prevent sparks from static electricity generated by movement and flow of flammable liquids. Bonding between containers during liquid transfer, and connecting drums to an earth ground are required under Federal and Local Codes. Standard wire lengths are 3' and 10'; for longer reach use several wires with .25" terminal ends. Custom length bonding and grounding assemblies are also available as are individual clamps.

Antistatic Wires

DescriptionEnd ConnectionsShip Wt. Ctn. (Lbs)Ship Wt. Ctn. (Kg)Model No.
Flexible Wire, 10' (3m) coiledHand clamp x .25" (6mm) terminal1.30.608496
Insulated wire, 10' (3m) coiledHand clamp x .25" (6mm) terminal1.40.608497
Flexible wire, 3' (1m)"C" clamp .625" (16mm) x hand clamp1.20.508498
Flexible wire, 3' (1m)Dual hand clamps1.50.708499
Flexible wire, 3' (1m)Dual alligator clips .625" (16mm) jaws0.10.0508500
Flexible wire, 3' (1m)"C" clamp .625" (16mm) x alligator clip .625" (16mm)10.508501
Flexible wire, 3' (1m)Dual .25" (6mm) terminals. Also used as an extension10.508503
Insulated wire, 3' (1m)C clamp .625" (16mm) x alligator clip .625" (16mm)0.50.208505
Insulated wire, 3' (1m)Dual .25" (6mm) terminals. Also used as an extension10.508506


회사명 그린텍 대표 차태호 사업자등록번호 215-08-58925 전화 031-227-1961 팩스 031-227-1962
주소 경기도 수원시 권선구 고색동 959 휴먼스카이밸리 909호 이메일 [email protected]
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