Drum Vents and Funnels For Hazardous > Justrite

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Drum Vents and Funnels For Hazardous

페이지 정보

작성자최고관리자 댓글 0건 조회 127회 작성일 23-09-06 14:13


Drum Vents and Funnels For Hazardous
Drum Vents and Funnels For Hazardous
Safety Drum Vents
Safety Fill Vents and Funnels

Store liquids safely with Justrite Drum Vents.

Drums of flammable liquids require venting to relieve pressure build-up due to heat and also to prevent creation of a vacuum when liquid is being drained off or the drum is subjected to sudden cooling. Either pressure or vacuum can cause failure of the container. In event of fire, the hazards of drum leakage or explosion due to excessive pressure build-up can be catastrophic.

Justrite Drum Vents provide automatic pressure relief. Operating valve opens at five psig internal pressure in normal service. Vacuum relief is manual or automatic depending on the model and permits four or more gpm flow through a standard .75" faucet. All vents include a flame arrester for added safety.

Justrite Aerovent; safely vents drums at 5 psig and controls fugitive emissions. Brass body with an activated process carbon filter effectively adsorbs vapors preventing escape to the atmosphere during the exhale cycle to capture VOCS. Pressure and vacuum relief are automatic. Built in flame arrester prevents flashback from external ignition sources. The filter may be easily replaced when odors in the area indicate the filter has been utilized to capacity (approximately 90 - 120 days).


Safety Drum Vents

Ship Wt. Ctn.
Ship Wt. Ctn.
Model No.
Non-metallic vertical vent, plated steel flame arrester, for petroleum based applicationsAuto251FM1.508005*
Non-metallic vertical vent, stainless steel flame arrester, for chlorinated solventsAuto251FM1.508006*
Cast iron EL fitting for mounting 08101 or 08005 vents in 2" (51mm) end drum opening----20.908011
Cast iron EL fitting for mounting 08101 or 08505 vents in .75" (19mm) end drum opening----1.40.708015
Brass vertical vent for petroleum based applicationsAuto251FM20.908101*
Brass horizontal vent for petroleum-based applicationsManual251FM10.508300
Stainless steel horizontal vent for corrosives and general solventsManual251FM1.10.508306
Justrite Aerovent™ drum vent for 2" (51mm) bung with filter and one extra replacement filter.Auto251FM62.728206
Justrite Aerovent™ drum vent for .75" (19mm) bung with filter and one extra replacement filterAuto251FM73.228207

Fill and store liquids safely with Justrite Safety Fill Vents and Funnels.

Safety Fill Vents and Funnels facilitate waste solvent disposal, while offering protection. Built of cast brass or high density polyethylene with a 6" flame arrester, they fit a 2" bung opening. Features include automatic pressure and vacuum relief and cap with safety chain to prevent misplacement of cap. High-density polyethylene funnel has full 9" diameter to eliminate spills.


Safety Fill Vents and Funnels

Ship Wt. Ctn.
Ship Wt. Ctn.
Model No.
Fill Vent with 6" (152) flame arresterAuto251FM2.3108204
Fill Vent with 9" (229mm) polyethylene funnel, 6" (152mm) flame arresterAuto251FM3.51.608211
Polyethylene funnel only (no flame arrester)----20.908213
Non-metallic fill vent with 9" (229) polyethylene funnel, 6" (152) stainless steel flame arresterAuto251-2.51.108221
Non-metallic fill vent with 6" (152) stainless steel flame arresterAuto251-10.508222
회사명 그린텍 대표 차태호 사업자등록번호 215-08-58925 전화 031-227-1961 팩스 031-227-1962
주소 경기도 수원시 권선구 고색동 959 휴먼스카이밸리 909호 이메일 [email protected]
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