Luer Lock HPLC Waste Line Adapters > CPLab

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HPLC 폐액라인

ECO Funnels™ can be equipped with HPLC fittings, allowing the operator to connect HPLC waste lines directly to the funnel. At your request, we can add one or more HPLC adapters to the side of the body of your funnel. Installation is free of charge. To order HPLC attached to your ECO Funnel(s)™ please add the desired ECO Funnel or System to your cart, and add up to 6 HPLC fittings per 4" funnel and 8 fittings per 8" funnel. If you order more than one ECO Funnel, please call us at 888.322.5722 to make sure we customize the funnels correctly.

Luer Lock HPLC Waste Line Adapters

페이지 정보

작성자최고관리자 댓글 0건 조회 97회 작성일 23-09-06 14:55


Luer Lock HPLC Waste Line Adapters
Luer Lock HPLC Waste Line Adapters


Choose 1/16" or 1/8"


1/16" adapter features Tefzel male Luer and lock, red male nut, clear female Luer, and blue ferrule.

1/8" adapter features Tefzel male Luer and lock, white male nut, clear female Luer and yellow ferrule.
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