Whatman 1 페이지

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Cellulose Chromatography Media

Whatman an extensive product line of cellulose chromatography media for applications ranging from the separation of biopolymers such as proteins, peptide, and hormones to the purification of monoclonal antibodies, vaccines, synthetic pharmaceuticals, and agrochemicals.

Technological innovations in product development and manufacturing processes and a dedication to excellence are combined to ensure batch-to-batch reproducibility of these cellulose chromatography media.

Total 1건 1 페이지
게시물 검색
회사명 그린텍 대표 차태호 사업자등록번호 215-08-58925 전화 031-227-1961 팩스 031-227-1962
주소 경기도 수원시 권선구 고색동 959 휴먼스카이밸리 909호 이메일 [email protected]
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